
It was 5th July 1976 when Roy Owen chaired a meeting of astrologers at the Relaxation Centre, Brookes St, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane. The welcome result of that meeting was the formation of the Queensland Branch of the Federation of Australian Astrologers. Roy Owen became our Foundation President, and occupied the office of President until 1985.

In 1982, Roy Owen arranged for the Queensland Branch of the F.A.A. to hold its meetings in the Theosophical Society building at 355 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill, where we continue to meet. Each year, in honour of Roy, the QFA hosts the “Roy Owen Memorial Lecture” in September.

In 1994 decisions were made to Incorporate the Queensland Branch of the F.A.A. On 19th December 1994, at the elected time 2:22 pm, President Lyla Williams, elected as Public Officer lodged an Application for Incorporation for the Queensland Federation of Astrologers to the Office of Consumer Affairs in Brisbane. The proposed rules were sanctioned, and a Certificate of Incorporation issued on the 10th March, 1995. Thus the ‘Queensland Branch of the F.A.A.’ dissolved and the ‘Queensland Federation of Astrologers Inc.’ began life as an affiliate of the national body, the F.A.A. Inc.

Since 1976, the Queensland Branch of the F.A.A., and the Queensland Federation of Astrologers Inc. have hosted monthly meetings and various workshops to share astrology with those who wished to learn. Members have funded the establishment and growth of resources to assist the study of astrology and maintain a supportive network to encourage development of Astrologers.



Qld Gov’t Model Rules of Association  (download)

DISCUSSION – Monthly meetings host lectures by various local Astrologers and visiting Guest Speakers. Members are encouraged to participate as speakers to gain experience.

TUITION – Qualified Practitioners provide support to members in private mentoring and tuition, or group classes and workshops. The QFA organises a venue and invigilator for students sitting national examinations. 

STUDY – Click the links to download our state collection catalogues of Books XL format,   Books pdfeBooks and  Conference and  Lecture audio/video recordings in the QFA Library available on loan to members.  A number of suppliers offer discounted purchases of Astrological Books to QFA members.  You can click the links to open the files or right click and select save link as to download to your computer.

CERTIFICATION – The FAA national examination system was established to gauge accuracy, technical proficiency and interpretive ability of members. Successful participants are awarded the Practitioners’ Certificate by the FAA on completion of examination modules.

PROFESSIONAL STATUS – Qualified Practitioners of the QFA Inc. may apply for membership to the Association of Professional Astrologers.

NETWORKING – Communication amongst members state-wide is enhanced with the publishing of our QFA Newsletter – Acrux. Monthly State meetings are supplemented with local group meetings. The FAA Journal is published quarterly and emailed to all members (print copy available at extra charge), keeping members in touch with the National news and views.

CONFERENCES – Nationally, membership and support for Astrology grew to enable hosting of the International Astrology Conference, held approximately every two years in a different location in Australia. The QFA hosted the highly successful 1998 IAC – “Living Astrology” and the 2010 IAC “Surfing New Waves of Consciousness – Fearless and Free” in Brisbane. The 2025 FAA Conference, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow  was co-hosed by our QFA Vice President Sylvia Wilson with Anita Ings (AANSW) on the Queensland Gold Coast (Surfers Paradise).  International Astrologers join the best of Australian Astrologers to deliver a wide variety of lectures and workshops. A favourite IAC highlight is the themed banquet, a night of fine food and drink, celebration and dancing.

January 2025  25th International FAA Astrology Conference


Updated 3 March 2025

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