Updated 2nd March 2025
Monthly meetings: 2nd Monday of each month
(except January, and yes we do meet on public holidays)
7 for 7.30pm – 9.30 ish Lines Open at 7pm. Times are Brisbane, AEST
Doors, lines and library open from 7pm on meeting nights.
When we have access to our venue we meet at Brisbane Theosophical Society Auditorium, 355 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill. Meetings are Simulcast on line via Zoom. When we can’t access our venue Meetings are online via Zoom BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL
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March 10th, 2025
BABULA CLEMENT – Bloodlines; Childhood and Family Lineage
Babula Clement has been a professional astrologer for over 30 years and has a busy client practice based in Brisbane. For many years she ran the Brisbane School of Astrology and has lectured at various Australian Astrology Conferences.
Life has taken her on many wild and wonderful journeys of deep transformation and her approach to astrology is to offer it to support self-knowledge, healing and awakening. Some of her favourite areas of astrological interest are Childhood and Family Astrology, Medical Astrology, Chiron, the Black Moon Lilith, the Asteroids and of course, the big life questions: ‘Who am I, Why Am I Here and Am I Living My True Purpose and Soul Blueprint?
Babula also loves to explore the big picture themes related to humanity’s shift from the Kali Yuga into the New Age of Aquarius. Are we poised to fully awaken from sleep and become fully fledged members of the Galactic Community?
Painting is her part-time passion.
BA, Dip Ed, FAA Practitioners Diploma, QFA Fellow, Cert Counselling From the Heart, Art of Allowing Facilitator.
BLOODLINES – Childhood and Family Lineage
How do we find the astrological threads of our family story through the generations? Understanding the key themes of the family system can support the healing of the patterns of trauma that travel down through the family line generation after generation. For example, there may be patterns related to sexual abuse, war, addiction, mental health, abandonment and so on. Family patterns also include the gifts of our ancestral lines and we can draw strength by acknowledging and celebrating these positive qualities. These strengths may include resilience, courage, creativity, a capacity to love and forgive or you may come from a long line of healers, astrologers, artists.
April 14th, 2025
MARILYN HILLIER – Updates on Astronauts Stranded in Space
Marilyn Hillier has been studying Astrology since 1994.
She is the current President of the Gold Coast Astrological Society since the early 2000’s. She has been a member of the QFA since 2000 and is the current Hospitality host, also a QFA committee member for 14years.
She started teaching Astrology in the early 2000’s first teaching at the U3A at Southport on the Gold Coast and since has taught many students and still has monthly and bimonthly classes on the Gold Coast.
Marilyn has been writing for the Moon Time Diary the new Moon and Full Moon monthly Facebook blogs since 2020.
May 12th, 2025
CHIRONE SHAKTI Draconic Astrology & the Soul’s Journey
Originally from England, I’ve been a passionate student of astrology for over 30 years, studying with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in the UK in the days of correspondence courses and hand-drawn charts (!)
I have a background in teaching and curriculum design, which has come in really useful in developing astrology courses for all levels. I’ve lived in many different cultures overseas and love that buzz of cross-cultural living. I’m fascinated by language and linguistics, and I see astrology as another language that we can learn, acquire and develop fluency in. Through working with clients, I wanted to be able to go deeper with them and I realised I needed to develop my counselling skills, so did a Graduate Diploma in Counselling here in Australia.
In more recent years, I’ve been fascinated by traditional astrology. I’ve studied with the STA and have their certificates in Horary and Traditional Medical Astrology. I love working with astrology: whether that’s client work or helping students develop their knowledge and understanding of the subject. I love seeing the transformation that comes as people discover the magic that astrology can bring to our lives.
Draconic Astrology & The Soul’s Journey
This talk is an opportunity to explore Draconic Astrology and what it can reveal about our soul’s journey.
The Draconic chart allows us to access a deeper layer of interpretation in the natal chart, putting the individual firmly in the context of their spiritual journey in life, maybe even through lifetimes.
It’s important to bear in mind that the Draconic chart is a subsidiary chart that needs to be interpreted in the context of the natal, and in the context of the person’s spiritual journey.
After a brief introduction to Draconic Astrology, we’ll examine some example charts to see: –
what stays the same astrologically in the Draconic chart
what astrological changes come when we move into the Draconic, and their significance
putting it together and how this all works in practice
We’ll also take a look at the possible birth chart of Jesus Christ based on Pam Crane’s ground-breaking research from the 1970s and 80s which reactivated interest in Draconic Astrology
June 9th, 2025
Horrah!! We are finally talking about the Pluto in Libra generation.
Vanessa Montgomery of Astro All-Starz is a consulting astrologer, resident celebrity astrologer at Glamour Magazine U.S, and author of the Power Trilogy: Star Power, Cosmic Power and recently published Astro Power a simple guide to prediction and Destiny for the modern mystic.
Known for her accessible, upbeat and positive style, Vanessa carries a feminist commitment to empowerment and agency. She utilises astrology as a powerful tool for reflection, insight, validation and self-acceptance. She consistently updates language, concepts, and archetypes to align with and advance modern ideals of equality, relationships, potential, and identity.
A modern psychological astrologer with a diploma in transpersonal counselling, Vanessa specialises in natal astrology, utilising transiting planets as her favoured timing technique – ie: what’s happening, when, for how long.
Clients come for the astrology and stay for the empowering upshift and opening to possibilities. Schedule your 1:1 consultation today at
Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, co-create your world.
July 14th, 2025
August 11th, 2025
Marc is the creator and principal teacher at the popular Sydney Astrology School since 2007, going online internationally in 2017. He is an AAT (accredited Astrology teacher) with the Federation of Australian Astrologers.
Marc has a thriving consultation business Marc Laurenson Astrology with a ‘wait list’ for readings. He describes his Astrology style as Evolutionary with a psychological bent with a goal of empowering people and guiding them toward more fulfilling lives.
Marc is a popular speaker on the circuit including the ISAR Conference, FAA Conferences, OPA, Breaking down the Borders online Conferences, Synchronicity University and London School of Astrology.
He has also written for many publications including Wellbeing Astrology and the FAA Journal.
Sydney Astrology School:
September 8th, 2025
Wendy is Brisbane-based Astrologer, Teacher and Civil Wedding Celebrant
Wendy’s has studied with the FAA – and has been a committee member of the QFA here in Brisbane. She has studied with Brian Clarke and Glenys Lawnton at the Chiron Centre in Melbourne, and with Glorija Lawrence specialising in Cosmo-Biology. Wendy is currently studying with Christine Rothwell FAA Teacher advanced group.
Wendy combines her experience and knowledge, offering guidance through self-realisation and is passionate about bringing awareness to Astrology. Wendy is available for consultations both live and via Skype, specialising in Solar returns, Birth charts, Marriage compatibility charts and Ingress charts for Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring.
October 13th, 2025
Kim is a Professional Consulting Astrologer and a Graphic Designer. Kim combines her skills to create what have come to be called Astro Info Graphics. This popular format has seen the organic growth of Kim’s Public Facebook Page: Kim Akinta Astrologer grow to 4.2K Followers in just three years.
Kim is also the founder and lead Administrator of the Facebook Group: Astrology Explorers which has grown to 19K Members in just over 2 years. It is a thriving global community with 12K member engagement of Professional Astrologers, students and enthusiasts.
Kim has created exclusive new Astro Info Graphics for the PowerPoint which is sure to delight the eyes in what has come to be known as her inimitable clear and easy to understand style.
November 10th, 2025
Lynne Smith is a professional astrologer, teacher, writer and mentor based in Brisbane. She has been active in astrology for more than 25 years.
She is passionate about the wisdom of astrology, fate, freewill and co-creation… she sees astrology as an amazing tool for self-understanding and living a more conscious, integrated life to embrace our inner potentials of our natal promise…
As an astrology teacher and consultant, her expertise is in combining traditional techniques with modern psychological and spiritual astrology, working with the soul’s original intent physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Lynne is a fierce advocate for exploring why we are here… with clarity, growth, freedom, love, ease, confidence, and purpose… and even a little magic… in our lives.
She is also a supplier of Natural Energetic Gemstone Jewellery and loves to work with the healing power of gemstones to support our energy fields using the ancient Vedic knowledge.
December 8th, 2025

Our thanks to Sylvia Wilson, QFA Vice President (and FAA National Secretary) for the great job she does each year securing our speakers and arranging our speaker program.